
Jorge Goulart - Primeira Audicao (1958)

RCA Victor BPL 21

This is the second career album by Jorge Goulart to be presented in this parallel reality.

Facts about his career up to 1958 and this release in particular, you may find in an informative text printed on the back cover, written by Elmo Barros!!!

Here is the list of songs:

01. Além do Céu (Edson Borges / Sidney Morais)
02. Ave Maria no Salgueiro (Jorge Morais / Rufino Gonçalves)
03. As Pedras Se Encontram (René Bittencourt / Raul Sampaio)
04. Pra Que Continuar (Mário Lago)
05. Há 5 Minutos (Mário Lago)
06. Chegou o Rei Bantu (Eloy Dutra / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
07. Palhaço (Ivon Cury)
08. A Flor Do Lodo (Zé Keti)
09. Adeus Para Que (Mário Lago)
10. Seja Qual For a Hora (Mário Lago)
11. Suavemente (Mário Lago / Chocolate)
12. Intriga (Ataulfo Alves)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

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