
Jackson do Pandeiro (1955)

Copacabana CLP 2017

First Jackson do Pandeiro's 10' is actually a collection of his music previously released on 78rpm albums during the period from 1953 to 1955.

Ideal would be to place yourselves in the position explained on the front cover.


1. Forró Em Limoeiro (Edgar Ferreira) 78rpm: 5.155 / 1953
2. Cremilda (Edgar Ferreira) 78rpm: 5.412 / 1955
3. Um A Um (Edgar Ferreira) 78rpm: 5.234 / 1954
4. O Galo Cantou (Edgard Morais) 78rpm: 5.287 / 1954
5. Forró Em Caruaru (Zé Dantas) 78rpm: 5.397 / 1955
6. A Mulher Do Aníbal (Genival Macedo / Nestor de Paula) 78rpm: 5.234 / 1954
7. Falsa Patroa (Geraldo Jacques / Isaías de Freitas) 78rpm: 5.412 / 1955
8. Sebastiana (Rosil Cavalcanti) 78rpm: 5.155 / 1953


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 

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