
Resala's Band (1969)

RCA Victor BBL 1493

The other album by Resala "Turquinho" which was premiered on Lornix several years ago. You may read all about it on Órfãos do Loronix where Zeca's text has been reprinted.
Beside these two albums, there is also a third one from 1961 called Merengada which is, as far as I know, unavailable.

Here is the list of the band members, mostly listed with first names and nicks. Note that Zezinho is playing piano:

Resala "Turquinho": Bateria
Edgar "Capitão", Dorival "Buda", Erotides "Cunhado" e Waldir: Pistom
Severino "Bill", Arlindo, Firmo, Francisco "Paco" e Iran: Trombones
José Ferreira "Casé" e Arnaldo "Dinho": Sax alto
Hélio Marinho e José Ribamar: Sax tenor
Percio "Goiabinha": Sax barítono
Xu Viana e Gabriel: Contrabaixo
Rubens "Rubão": Ritmo
Paulo Lima, Zézinho e Mário Casali: Piano

The tracks:

01. Alfie (Burt Bacharach / Hal David)
02. Corrida de Jangada (Edu Lobo / Capinan)
03. Yesterday (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
04. Tem Dó (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
05. By The Time I Get To Phoenix (Jimmy Webb)
06. Sá Marina (Antônio Adolfo / Tibério Gaspar)
07. Resala's Theme (Carlos Piper)
08. Triste (Tom Jobim)
09. Soulful Strut (E. Record / S. Sanders)
10. Imagem (Luis Eça / Aloysio de Oliveira)
11. F... Comme Femme (Salvatore Adamo)
12. This Guy's In Love With You (Burt Bacharach / Hal David)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  

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