
Conjunto Farroupilha e Trio Nago - Cancoes Populares do Norte E Sul (N/D)

Rádio 0091-GV

A compilation album of songs by the Conjunto Farroupilhas and
Trio Nagô, where each vocal group has it's side on this LP released by Rádio at a date which I could only guess.

While Conjunto Farroupilhas has been featured lately in this parallel reality, Trio Nagô has, apart from one song on the 20 Anos da Nacional (1956) posted in another reality about 3 years ago, their first appearance today.

There is not much that I know about Trio Nagô except that they consist of Mário, Evaldo and Epaminondas and that they have released at least 5 career albums in the period from 1956 to 1959 + 5 compactos / EPs and around 30 78 rpms, starting from 1953.

The compositions selected in accordance with the title of this compilation are:

Lado A:

01. Negrinho do Pastoreio (Barbosa Lessa) Conjunto Farroupilhas
02. Balaio (Tradicional / Adpt. Barbosa Lessa / Adpt. Paixão Cortes) Conjunto Farroupilhas
03. Tatu (Barbosa Lessa / Paixão Cortes) Conjunto Farroupilhas
04. Me Dá Um Mate (Barbosa Lessa): Conjunto Farroupilhas
05. Amargo (Lupicínio Rodrigues / Piratini) Conjunto Farroupilhas
06. Carreteiro (Barbosa Lessa) Conjunto Farroupilhas

Lado B:

07. O Jangadeiro (Cyro Monteiro / Dias da Cruz) Trio Nagô
08. O Gemedor (Gilvan Chaves) Trio Nagô
09. Adeus de Xique-xique (Paulo Neves) Trio Nagô
10. Tropeiro do Sol (Graça Batista / Antônio Aguiar) Trio Nagô
11. Iaiá Da Bahia Chegou (João Mello / Clodoaldo Brito) Trio Nagô
12. O Vaqueiro (Luiz Vieira) Trio Nagô


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

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