
Jazz Festival No 1 - Jam Session (1956)


Live recording in the  Teatro de Cultura Artística - São Paulo, during the Primeiro Festival Brasileiro de Jazz, organized by the Jazz Club de São Paulo.

In short: Farnésio Dutra e Silva alas Dick Farney's jazzy jam session, already presented on Loronix several years ago, about which you may read Zecalouro's text reprinted on Órfãos do Loronix.

As usual in such occasions, here are just:

1. The list of the musicians:

Dick Farney: Piano 
Casé: Saxofone 
Rubinho: Bateria 
Choo Viana: Contrabaixo 
Ismael Campiglia: classified on the back cover as "músico amador"

2. The track list:

1. Pennies From Heaven (Arthur Johnston / Johnny Burke)
2. Blues (Autor Desconhecido)             
3. Out Of Nowhere (Edward Heyman / Johnny Green)

3. The notorious, cryptic text which conceals the link:


4. The credits:

Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

1 comment:

  1. Thanks.Anyone have "The good neighbors"with M Peixoto and Case?


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