
Osny Silva Canta Melodias Famosas (1955)

Odeon LDS 3008

The first career album (10 Inch LP) by Osny Silva released in 1955.
His second album, also a 10 Inch, can be found in this reality by clicking HERE.

Osny is accompanied by the Orchestra led by Maestro Osvaldo Borba on all tracks except for the first where the musical direction is by Maestro Gaó

Prior clicking on the HERE above, start listening to these eight belcanto sounding songs:

1. Banzo (Hekel Tavares / Murilo Araújo) Jongo
2. Meu Pecado (Lupicínio Rodrigues / Felisberto Martins) Samba
3. Risque (Ary Barroso) Samba
4. Tudo Isto É Samba (Luis Iglesias / Osvaldo Borba) Samba
5. Catari Catari (Core 'Ngrato) (Salvatore Cardillo / Riccardo Cordiferro / Vrs. Capitão Furtado) Canção napolitana
6. Jura-me (Jurame) (María Grever / Vrs. Capitão Furtado) Tango
7. Cavaleiro Errante (Shane) (The Call Of The Far-away Hills) (Victor Young / Mack David / Vrs. Ghiaroni) Fox-slow
8. Dama Espanhola (Lady Of Spain) (E. Reaves / I. Evans / Vrs. Nelson Figueiredo) Pasodoble

CAVALEIRO New link 12.7.2020

Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

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